Back to school bits and pieces! August, 2017
Tomorrow I am back at work after the summer break. It's not the work aspect that I'm dreading, it's getting back into a routine whereby I wake up long enough to do all the things I have to do before heading out the door!! I am not a morning person and I always end up calculating how long i could leave my alarm so that I have just enough time to get ready. In the end, I end up rushing around like a headless chicken and running out the door with a smoothie in hand on my way to work. Every.Single.Morning. Being organised, however, can make me feel a little less stressed and if I have a clear desk space, I feel like I have a clear mind. So this week, I thought I would write a short blog post on the little bits and pieces I managed to collect over the holidays ready for the next term, because I love stationery and like getting quirky bits and pieces to have at home and at work. All products in this range feature the trademark Ted Baker bow. Price: £19.96 I'm...