Summer Lovin - a list of this Summer's favourites! 2017
Instead of doing a monthly favourites, I've decided to stick to a seasonal favourites, because, normally I'm so busy in my day to day life that I don't take that much notice of what I've used in which month and I would drive myself mad trying to work out it. So this week, saying as we are well on our way into autumn, I thought I would relive my summer and discuss the kinds of things I was enjoying at that time! Enjoy! Aussie hair range - this Summer, I decided to give Aussie another go! I have used Aussie products in the past but because I like to rotate the products I use on my hair, I had forgotten all about it! However, I found out this Summer, that a few of the staple items of my routine were in-fact Aussie! - Festival fresh dry shampoo . I'm not really a fan of dry shampoo if I'm being perfectly honest. However, when I found this one - I really liked it. It's a little bit more expensive but still within a reasonable price range at £4.49 and does...