These are a few of my favourite things...

Monday the 20th of March was the International Day of Happiness and I had planned for this post to go up then but life got in the way. So today, a month later than expected, I will share with you all some of the things that make me smile 😊


Acting - Showing expression through drama or acting is something that has always part of my life. Even though I wasn't an active part of a theatre group until I was 8, I enjoyed mimicking since I was very small. This may come as a surprise to some but when I was younger, I was extremely quiet - my parents used to think I was snobbish or antisocial. If i was at an event or function with my family, I would observe people in my company, noting their mannerisms, accents and little quirks. However, when I got home - this was where everything came out. I would line everyone up and put on my own wee 'show' in-front of my family- impersonating people from the evening. That sounds soooo bad but I can tell you it was all in good fun. 
When I got older, I obviously lost my ability to stay quiet and just observe, 😏 but I still like to impersonate and act a part. Being on any kind of stage gives me such an adrenaline rush. I just πŸ’“the feeling it gives you. 

Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) - watching the northern lights from my bedroom window is something I've always found special. It makes me feel so calm and in awe as i watch the beautiful colours changing. I always want to take my camera and go out and picture it, like so many people do. However, when the aurora is out, I like to just live in the moment - and watch the beauty that is around me. 😊 I count myself extremely lucky to live so far north that the aurora is such a regular occurrence. 

Adventures - I love exploring new places and taking roads that I've never taken before. I think it's the sense of exploring the unknown and believe me when you live in rural Scotland, as beautiful as it is, you really do want to go and see what is out there. In today's society, you are made aware of how many rich cultures and places there are in the world, you want to taste, meet and experience everything and everyone.
However, even within my home county itself, I think there is so much to take in and explore. I sometimes miss being at college, because Monday was always a day we all got together for a road trip (once we'd checked in with our tutors of course πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‰) The destination was always a mystery and often we would take it in turns to decide which road we would take.  I think it's important to first get to know your local area and see what is has to offer before sampling the wider world. 


The Beach Some of my favourite memories include warm summer days at the beach. When I was younger, I took for granted that I could just go a walk to the beach but I soon realised some people actually had to make a day of it and pack the car up because they lived inland and it was a 2 hour drive to get there. It's such a strange concept to think that some people don't live near the sea but I don't know where I would be without a walk along the beach, especially during my student days 😊 Fresh sea air helps to clear the head and helps you to relax. I also feel quite claustrophobic if I'm inland and I can't see the sea. I don't like being out at sea, though, which I find quite strange but I like knowing it's an escape. 
Having the beach to yourself is one of the best things in life!

Lush had this amazing bath bomb out for Easter!
When you broke it in two, it had a little chick inside! 
Bubble baths - A nice warm bubble bath after a long day is one of my favourite things. I find it one of the very few places where I can be at one with myself and have my own thoughts and face no interruptions. The perfect chance to relax your muscles and enjoy your own company in the candlelight with a nice glass of iced water and a good book. 

Ballet - I have been doing ballet since I was three and found since a young age that it was the perfect way to express myself. I am not in anyway 'artistic' - I struggle to draw free hand, paint, sketch, print etc so I found that my feet and my body acted as my brush, the music was my paint and the floor was my canvas. πŸ’— The girls that I went to ballet with are some of my closest and best friends and I always feel that ballet gave me confidence, discipline, strength and freedom. 

Burning peat Going back to my roots with this one - (literally!) I love the smell of good old Caithness peat. It is one of the richest smells and it reminds me so much of my childhood. Making toast at granny's when she had the peat fire on was always special. Even when we were outside playing, we could smell the smoke from the peat fire. Coal smoke was a different smoke altogether and I loved the fact that the smell of peat would stay on my clothes for hours after. If I could ever have a scented candle with a specific scent - this would be it! πŸ’–

Brockman's gin with bitter lemon. I don't often have alcohol but when I do, it would definitely be gin. Anyone who knows me, knows my love for gin. Brockman's gin with bitter lemon is the one drink I could drink all night long and never get sick of. It's like juice! Delicious. 

Blue (the colour) - I have loved the colour blue since I was very small. I love wearing it, seeing it and I love what it represents: peace, tranquility, loyalty, honesty and confidence :) Note* A couple of folk have said my love for blue relates to my football team, which it does not! It just so happens that the team I support, plays in blue. Nothing more, nothing less. Over and out.


CuddlesNo matter how old you are, you cant deny it, everyone enjoys a cuddle. I think it's a primal thing. Feeling enveloped in a hug makes you instantly less stressed and more at ease and cherished. There are, however, only certain people that give a really good cuddle.πŸ˜‰ I think cuddles are so important. 

Countryside - I love everything about the countryside; the fresh air, the privacy, the freedom, the sounds, the fauna, the flora, the wide open spaces, the sparce population πŸ˜‰, the chance to just think and not rush at one hundred miles per hour. Being in the country definitely helps to clear away the cobwebs.

Feeding the lambies this time last year.

College gals - because they clearly need their own section!! πŸ’–What can I say about these gals? Clare, Hollie, Kayla and I all met at college (obv) and we all had gone to the same school so knew each other a little but college really brought us together and now we are inseperable! We share so many good memories because obv we did what students do and went on countless nights out and have so many bruises, scars, broken bones and cringey photographs to show for it. I don't think my student days would've been so good if I didn't have these girls. They really brought me out of my shell and coaxed me into do things I really didn't want to do. I really do owe them a lot. Although now we are obviously finished college and living seperate lives, our little group is still strong and we always try and make time to come together. They are probably the sassiest but kindest group of girls I know and all our shenanigans never fail to keep a smile on my face! I know I could count on them for anything. I hope we're all still pals when we're old and grey! πŸ’– Love you all!

College gals

Christmas - Christmas is my favourite time of the year. I love what it represents in regards to my faith. I love what it represents in regard to people coming together, the one day in the year which is spent in peace and quiet as a family, the cheesy Christmas films and the even cheesier Christmas songs leading up to the big day. 😜The only day where I manage to eat a three course meal. 🐷 I love the exchanging of gifts, carol singing, Christmas decorations, the festive spirit, Christmas concerts and going to the church service at 11pm and then walking home in the snow and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. 

Candles - Candles have become my new thing. I was never really into the 'Yankee candle' craze that everyone else seemed to enjoy! Nowadays, though, lighting a candle just reminds me that it's time to unwind, relax and chill. I looove having a good soak in the bath with some nice smelling candles, a glass of iced water and a good book. The only problem now is, I can't stop buying them! 

Cosy nights in - when the wind is howling outside, the rain is lashing against the windows and you're not sure if the power is going to go off (which it is nine times out a ten in Caithness), there is no greater feeling than sitting inside with some warm blankets, all your loved ones around you, watching a nice film with a hot chocolate, a cup of tea or glass of wine by the fire. It is one of my favourite ways to spend an evening. 
Milo at Christmas time with his little Santa hat on

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels - Even looking at these adorable little munchkins has my heart rate going at 100bpm. They are the most adorable, loving, beautiful dogs to grace this planet. Sometimes* (*most of the time) I don't stop to speak to the owner of a CKCS, I just go straight to the dog, or if I'm with a friend (sorry Charlotte), I will just fire them my handbag and head straight over to pet themπŸ’“ They are literally like a magnet to me. Saying as I don't have my very own one anymore, I often find myself googling them to admire how adorable they are (now I really do sound sad!) 


Dogs - Dogs in general give me overall happiness. I find it so difficult to go past a dog without saying hello.  I also think that dog walkers are the most sociable people out so you always make lots of new friends when you stop to speak to these beautiful animals! Having a dog also definitely helps you relax, unwind and settle and when I had Milo with me when I was studying, it got me through some pretty stressful times and he never left my side until I was finished. Dogs are the most instinctual, loyal and selfless little monkeys to grace the planet. 

Dancing - The biggest question I have when I'm on a night out is why people choose to not get up and dance when they hear good music? Dancing is such good exercise and soooo much fun, it always gets people in good spirits. I always meet new people when I get up and dance too! (Alison and Emma, if you're reading this - you will remember the night when we got everyone up dancing and taught them our routine from the panto!) It was such a good night and we ended up getting to know a group of people that we wouldn't have known had we just sat there ourselves.

Dairy milk chocolate - I know what everyone is going to say. 'Dairy milk chocolate is not real chocolate, it's just covered in sugar and dark chocolate is sooo much better for you.'😴 However, there is just no use denying it. Dairy milk chocolate has been my ultimate fave for a looong time. A wee bar, in the fridge, overnight and the next day you get a little taste of heaven. I don't think I'll ever get sick of it. I've tried all different types of chocolates but I always come home to this one! 

Driving - I think I like driving because it's the only time that I can enjoy being in a vehicle without feeling sick! Motion sickness is real and I get it 9/10 but not when I'm driving - which is awesome! I also love driving because it gets you from A to B relatively quickly and being someone who walks everywhere, driving is sooo much easier and quicker! 

Drama (of the theatrical kind!) - I count my drama fam as some of closest and dearest friends. We are literally like a little family. Whenever I am at my local theatre, I can literally be in my most scruffiest clothes, my hair a mess and have no makeup on and I will know that not a single person there will judge me. Some of my most funniest, memorable and best moments are all based on drama trips, plays, musicals or showcases. Love πŸ’–


Edinburgh - this has been my favourite Scottish city since I was very young! I love the history, the architecture, the people, the things to see and do and the general atmosphere. If ever there was a city that makes you fully immerse yourself in all things Scottish, it's Edinburgh!

Egyptian cotton bed linen - I think I'm actually addicted to buying bed linen in general, tbh. I think it's important to be comfy in your bed because it's your place to relax and rest. Having a lie down on Egyptian cotton bed sheets is like a dream. I remember when my mum gave my Egyptian cotton sheets for the first time and I remember thinking, I'm never going back to ordinary cotton after this! So silky.

Earl Grey tea - coming from a family of tea drinkers, I got into drinking tea quite early on. I didn't like the traditional tea, however, which was the one that was most readily available in my house but once I found Earl Grey, I never went back to the traditional kind. I find Earl Grey, fresh and 'moreish' compared with traditional everyday breakfast tea which I find quite heavy. I do, however, suffer for my taste in tea and always get teased when I'm out for a cup with dad. 'Ooooh, Earl Grey'. He's lucky he didn't wear it that day. πŸ˜‰

Even numbers - I love even numbers. I like things to be fair and equally dispersed, so odd numbers are a no go for me. Equal quantities are where it's at. Even the volume on the television has to be on an equal number and I like when my age is an even number too. Yes, I know, you're thinking I'm a saddo. I'm cool with it. 


Fragrance - Something that is sooo personal to each and every one of us. The way that a fragrance mixes with the oils in your skin is going to be unique and therefore you could have the same perfume as your friend but they could smell entirely different. Trying out new fragrances is something that I love to do when I'm out shopping. I love the sentimentality it holds as well. Having a perfume that you wore to a family wedding or special event will always bring back memories of that time!

Flowers - I think my love for flowers came from my gran. When I was little, we were always gardening and she would always try and impart her knowledge of flowers onto me. One of my favourite scents is granny's roses. Whenever I get flowers, it always makes me so happy. It doesn't matter if it's a bouquet, a bunch or a handpicked daffodill - they always brighten up my day and also my house! 

Botanic Gardens, Glasgow.

Fresh air - I know this is going to sound right 'Highlander' of me, but, is there anything better than fresh, crisp, air? Don't get me wrong, I like the buzz of the city and the shops and the people rushing by but I do love to come home, cleanse my skin of the all the smoke, fumes and gases and go a walk along the beach. It definitely clears the head and allows for a good night's sleep.

Fresh bed linen - speaks for itself, really. A nice fresh bed at the end of the day with fine smelling sheets is the stuff of dreams. 

Fine nibbed pens - I am one of these people who has to have a specific pen in order to feel comfortable when I'm writing notes. I was the same when I was in school, college and I am still the same at work. Bic fine nibbed pens are my lifelong love. Definitely worth investing in some, they help make your writing look good.😎

Football (watching & playing) - since i was a little girl, I have always absolutely loved playing football. Now all I'm waiting to here is the heckles from the back - 'haw, you're a girl. Do you understand the offside rule?' Anyway, yes I do understand the offside rule and I probably know more about the game of football than you, so, shh. Some of the funniest memories I have include the girls school football team.  Having an older brother meant that when I was growing up anything he could do, I could do better - naturally 😎 - but my love for footie extended past that. I loved learning the skill and the tactics involved. I enjoyed the teamwork and absolutely nothing can compete with the excitement and buzz of watching football in a stadium (which I didn't get to do until I was in high school because I was a girl and wasn't allowed! Dad, I'm still holding you that tour btw.) Football has been given a bad name over the last few years but I honestly can say that whenever I have attended a match, I have always been looked after and thought of whilst both travelling to and from the game and attending it. 


 - this was always going to be a tricky one to explain to anyone who does not know my granny and even trickier to those who think they know her but don't actually know what this woman means to me, personally. Granny is so difficult to put into words. She is the sassiest, yet kindest lady I have ever met in my life. She does not judge anyone. She is always keen for a laugh, a joke, a prank. She keeps up with the times and knows exactly how to put a smile on anyone's face. She has been through some of the roughest times, yet she is still the happiest woman to grace this planet. She's been through war, she's travelled, she came home to care for her family despite being offered a top job, she fell in love, she had a family of her own, she became a widow early on and never once looked to anyone else. There is so much more I could write. She is my inspiration. 


Hogmanay - I'm sure some of you have read my previous blog post about my love of Hogmanay so I won't bore you with the same boring details. Hogmanay is one of my favourite times of year as I love the feeling of everyone coming together, having a drink, celebrating, singing, dancing and everyone is fine spirits (literal and methaphorical πŸ˜‰).

Hot chocolate with marshmallows - On a cold night, what is better than a nice big cup of hot chocolate topped with some mini marshmallows? It's such a nice treat and always reminds me of my younger years πŸ˜‰ when we would come inside after playing in the snow to the fire and there would be a hot chocolate waiting for us.

Highland Spring water Nine times out of ten, if I want water, I will just take it out of the tap (wow, what an exciting blog post you've got here, Lauren. 10/10). Sorry, this is going somewhere, honest. However, if I have to take a bottle for work, or in the car or wherever, it would 110% be Highland Spring. It is soooo different from any other water. I've tried Volvic, Evian etc but I will always come back to this one. I know some people will say 'Jeez, Lauren, water is water' but no! Water has got to taste nice and different waters do taste differently and I'm not biased, well maybe I am, but Highland Spring is just the one I prefer and it doesn't leave a horrible taste in my mouth.

Handbags Everyone girl has that one thing that they absolutely love. For some it's scarves or shoes but for me, it's handbags. I carry my handbag wherever I go and feel a bit lost if I don't have one. It's so helpful for storing all the things that I need in a day and whenever you need something, it's right at hand. A good handbag is definitely a good investment. 


Ice - Cruncing on ice is one of my favourite things to do. It's like one of these weird pregnancy cravings, apart from the fact I'm genuinely not pregnant. I once ate a pitcher of ice and it was glorious.

Inspirational quotes - Inspirational quotes just make my day just that little bit better. My house is littered with them and so is my social media. They give you strength, hope and courage. πŸ’™ (Who knew I could be so poetic?) πŸ˜‰


My tanzanite and diamonds ring 
Jewellery - I think my love of jewellery started off with my mum and granny. I remember being given a silver ring when I was small, which I still have, and a silver locket for a photograph to go in for my birthday and it just seemed to escalate from there. My parents then bought me a new piece of jewellery each time I did well in my exams. It was such a good incentive to make you do well and meant that you had something with a little bit of meaning behind it. 

Johnston's morning rolls - anyone living in Caithness will understand this. There is no greater baker than Johnston of Thurso. They are renowned for their shell pies which are a good 9/10 but for me, it has to be the traditional morning roll. If I ever moved out of Caithness, I would have to get a delivery of them because I could not cope without my Sunday morning roll.

My job - I do not know what to write to try and put into words how much I actually love my job. I am the luckiest girl in the world to be in an establishment doing what I'm doing. So incredibly grateful! 


Laughing - I love the feeling when you laugh and I also love making people laugh.  I have always been one who is up for a giggle and this has often led me into getting myself into hot water in my younger days (obviously Mum, Dad, if you're reading this, it was nothing illegal. Chill). I like making people laugh and having fun because life is far too short to be taken seriously all of the time. I understand that there are some times when you do have to be serious and that is where I draw the line. The majority of time it's good to have a laugh, though. It's good for the soul and if you're not laughing, you're crying! I'd much rather be laughing.


Makeup - I don't feel myself if I've not got a little bit of makeup on. I love to try different things and learn different techniques. I definitely feel a little bit better when I have makeup on compared if I just have a bare face. I do, however, like to let me skin breathe some days #ScaryFaceSundays, so it's not the 'be all and end all' but definitely helps a gal to feel a little better if she's got her brows filled in and her lippy on! 😊

Music - Even when I was a little girl, I always listened to music to send me off to sleep. It helps me to relax, unwind and chill. As I've said before, it is a tool that I use for expression and it speaks to me and makes me feel more emotion than any painting or drawing.


Open fires - Open fires are another one of my faves. They just remind me of my youth! Great for toasting, cooking or chilling. I miss having an open fire, they are the best thing for a cosy night in. 


Picnics - another craze I think that just cottoned on from when I was small. Sunday was always a day we went a picnic. It didn't matter if it was rain, wind or shine - we would have a picnic. I remember granny making sandwiches one morning and going to the bakers to get cakes for us and then we all drove up West but it came a shower of rain so we had to have our picnic in the car!! Life is all about the experiences and our picnic in the car is definitely one I won't forget!

Photography/photographs - Photographs have always been something important in my family and we have endless albums that mark each of the milestones in our life. I only wish I got the chance to take photography as a school subject because I do love taking photographs and I would love to know how to do it properly. I also love the sentimentality of photographs - looking back over good times and recording little snippets of history. 

Pink lady apples - I love fruit in general but pink lady apples are a staple item of my handbag. If ever I'm running late, fancy a snack during the day or just a little something to team up with my lunch -pink lady apples are my choice of fruit. They are so sweet and fill you up so you can keep going for longer.


Smiling - everything is better when you smile. There's always someone worse off than you, so take gratitude from each day and find joy in the little things. 😊🌸

Singing - I love singing but only when no-one can hear me because that's when I'm the most confident. I love singing in the car, when I'm making dinner, when I'm listening to music on my own and when I'm in the shower. It does you good to 'let loose' and give your vocals an airing every now and again.

Socialising - getting to know different people is one of my favourite things to do and spending time with my closest friends is definitely an important aspect of my life. You don't have to be doing anything spectacular, just chat , have fun and make memories.

Stationery - I love buying stationery! I'm not sure whether it's because of my job or whether it's just my personality but I am an absolute stationery hoarder. I reckon I could open a shop with the amount of stationery I have. I do use it all, though, which is the only blessing. I don't think I'm going to stop anytime soon, though. When I see something quirky, I have to buy it.

Scenery - Wide open spaces make me feel so at ease and so calm. I am lucky enough that within the county, there are lots of beautiful pieces of scenery to admire and have a walk through. Being at one with nature is really nice when we live in an age where we constantly immerse ourselves in technology. It does you good to step back a level and bask in what's around you.

Spa days - it's not often I sit down and take a break but when I do, I love to go for a spa with my girls and chill.  think it's important to have 'you' time to let you unwind and your body recover from all the stress you put it under each and every day.

Swimming - definitely my favourite sport by far. I could spend hours in the swimming pool given half a chance. So good for your all round health, a good skill to have and so relaxing!

Sleeping - There's nothing a good sleep can't solve. 😴Even when I was little, I liked to nap or snooze. I wasn't even bothered about opening presents on Christmas Day because I would much rather sleep. It just makes you feel so much more invigorated. 

Shopping - I always joke about the term 'retail therapy' but I actually think we could get somewhere with this. Having a browse around the shops is one of my favourite things to do and picks you up when you meet different people or see different things. 

Seven (the number) - This is going to sound odd to so many people but there are several things in my life where 7 was a prominent number and I think that's why I like it. I know I said I love even numbers but seven is the exception to the rule.


Winter time - as much as I like the sun and soaking up the vitamin D when I go away on holiday, my favourite season is most definitely winter. It's the time for Christmas, Hogmanay, the New Year, my birthday, snow, hot chocolates, open fires, film nights and keeping cosy. All the things that I love!

Writing lists - Writing lists help make me feel organised and on plan. I love ticking items off my list as much as I do writing them. It helps me work towards goals and I also learn through writing things down so lists definitely help!

One of the shopping centres in Glasgow 


That's the end of my blog post for this week! I know it's been a while since I've written one so apologies if you expect one every week! I have been really busy so I am just going to do one whenever I have time! Let me know what your favourite things are and if you enjoyed this. 
Also, this post makes me sound like all I do is go to the spa and spend money! πŸ˜‚ It's not the case. This is just what i like to do, I don't do these things all that often. 

Anyway, that's it until next time! Have a nice week!

Lots of love


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