Positive affirmations

Someone said to me last week that we are our own worst critic and this is absolutely true of me. I always doubt myself, my abilities, put myself down or be the but of the joke for a lot of reasons;

1) If i make a joke out of myself, it means no-one else will (wow this is getting deep, soz).
2) I actually like making people laugh because life can be rubbish sometimes (and that’s putting it politely) and I would rather make someone laugh because then they get a little minute of joy.
3) I think perhaps it’s Scottish/British culture to not get too above our station, show off, be overly confident or cocky so instead we downplay our abilities and strengths. How often do we say ‘oh that was just a flook’ when really we should accept compliments, celebrate our individual strengths and this is something I hope to change!)

Today I had a driving lesson and although I actually do enjoy driving, I wasn’t looking forward to it.  I always begin my lesson by thinking ‘oh i wonder what I’m going to do wrong today?’ ‘I wonder if I’ll make a fool of myself’ or ‘I bet I’ll fail my test when it comes’ and I knooooww what you’re all thinking.. wow wow wow, practice what you preach! I know this attitude really isn’t helpful to anyone so today, at breakfast, I decided to have a little talk to myself. I decided to approach my pending lesson more positively. I started off by telling myself that I was doing the right thing for my body by having breakfast beforehand (I’m starting off slow with this positive affirmations thingymajiggery, my mind will be shook after so much criticism over the years). I said to myself this will help wake up my brain and provide sustenance and minimise potential errors in my driving. I also decided to say the following statements to myself before going in the car.

I am well and for that I am grateful
I am able
I can do this because I’ve done it before
I believe in myself
I am enough.

Now I’m not saying that this lead on to me having the perfect driving lesson because I’m still a learner (in both driving and positive affirmations) but putting on a more positive attitude to an experience really helped my motivation, my attitude and the outcome of the experience.

This probably sounds all hippy/trippy so if this is not your thing then you don’t have to read on any further. However, if you’d like to try this week writing down or thinking about some positive affirmations and make sure you believe them! It took me a long time to say the words ‘I am enough’ because I had always taught mind that I wasnt which until now, I realise that this isn’t healthy! Believe in what you’re doing and what you’ve become and it will really help shape your whole experience/day/life. ✨


This is a short and sweet post this week! Not too rambly which makes a change :)

Let me know if you try any of these out!

Lots of love




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