What's in my dance bag?

The other day, I was having a clear out and I got rid of one of my old ballet bags. 💔 Now, for some people, reading this may come as a shock - because I looooove all kinds of bags and I am so sentimental I like to keep everything. I even have my first ballet bag my brother picked for me when I was three. 
This got me thinking about my current ballet bag - and that's when I realised - I actually have four. 😨 I know that sounds a little excessive but there is some logic to it!  So today, I am going to write a blog post about what I carry in my dance bag (or bags in my case - oops) because it might help someone to know what they would like to carry to class. Or if you are nosey, like i am, and you just want to see what's in it for your sheer enjoyment then just keep reading. 😊 

*Disclaimer. This is not what I think you should keep in your ballet bag, just what like to keep in mine and I do tend to be a little like Mary Poppins in what I carry so if you don't carry half of these things, I wouldn't worry.💕

My main bag which I would carry to class is my black Capezio convertible duffle bag. It has one large zip compartment with elasticated pockets inside, two zip pockets either side of the bag, one which has an internal mesh elasticated pocket and one which holds a 'wet' bag which you can put any sweaty leotards *bleurgh*, shoes or tights! There are two compartments at the front and back of the bag, one with a zip, and another with elastic for large items such as water bottles and a small space for your phone. The bag itself has one large strap for using as a holdall but the bottom of the bag can be converted so that you can use it as a backpack. I have four keyrings on my bag which I got over the years. These include silver ballet shoes, a floral keyring in the shape of an L, 'this is my happy place' keyring and a satin Bloch pointe shoe. 

Inside the main compartment I store; a hairbag which I got from Selfridges and this has everything I need for my hair such as; different sized bun rings - which I use as a quick and easy way to get my hair into a bun and out of my face, a hair scrunchy (90s classic!) because they are really good for using in your hair and don't tug it, my gold tangle teezer (where would I be without this little beauty? It even has a little clip to make sure the bristles stay safe and clean!), kirby grips (always buy ones which are nice and strong!), endless amounts of bobbles, hair nets, nice smelling hairspray, sectioning clips, dry shampoo, tail combs, sectioning combs and backtailing combs. I would normally only take this in my bag to an exam with me, not really to class, because it is imperative that my hair looks good for an exam - especially if you are being videod! You don't want to go down in history as the girl with the hanging hair do. Instead you want to go down as the girl with the banging hair do 😎...and obviously the one with the correct artistic technic...😅

Also in this compartment is my shoe accessory bag which I got from PaperChase! It contains everything I ever need to take care of my feet when they are on or off pointe; lambs wool - for the inside of my point shoes (I don't find much difference using lambs wool but I feel, if I use it, pointe work won't be that sore compared to if i didn't use it (maybe? who knows) ðŸ˜…, a manicure set - because, as gross as it sounds, if you're nails aren't filed, it's going to hurt when you're on pointe, 'fresh step' antiperspirant for obvious reasons - you're feet is in a confined space for a period of time and you're exercising - the inevitable is going to happen and you don't want to smell bad, talc - for anyone that doesnt know helps to dry your feet out before pointe work, pointe shoe ribbon - in case mine decides it wants to come off half way through, blister plasters - for obvious reasons and because i blister reeeeally easy so to ease my walk home, I don't have to resemble an an old woman, rosin - for using on the outside of my pointe shoe so that it's got enough grip, toe tape - a blessing in disguise, organic restoration foot balm (amaaaaaazing stuff and I use it every night I get home after class), toe seperators - because sometimes it gets sore if you're toes smoosh together and it helps if each of them are equally distributed and it's not just one poor guy literally taking one for the team, toe caps - basically like a little cushion that wraps around your toe, covert elastic for point shoes - this is the bit of elastic that goes around your ankle and stops it straying too far away, a sewing kit for sewing on new ribbon and spare suede toe caps for the outside of my shoes! 

Phew - that was a long list!

Are you still with me? Yes? No? Okay...

Next is my purple Gok Wan cosmetic bag. In here are personal care items such as my usual dove deodorant, plasters, mints , handcream, cute little fawn tissues, wet wipes, anti bac, safety pins (for attaching entry numbers), lip balm and paracetamol. 

Also within the large compartment is
my tendu mesh shoe bag with my capezio cobra split sole flat shoes (which i loooove. They really are so durable and I go through a lot of flat shoes but found these definitely last the longest!), my Bloch shoebag with my serenade pointe shoes, a black wrap cardi to keep me warm during warm up, several black leotards in all sorts of varieties - capped sleeved and long sleeved (black is my school colours, incase your wondering!), skirts, ankle warmers, full body and half body foot undeez which are actually for your feet and remind me a little bit of toe socks (another nineties classic!) but these are for dancing and they are soooo much more comfortable, black dance pants - because having a VPL during a dancing exam is not the way to go, black shorts - just incase, fluffy socks, footlets, makeup, my fruit infuser water bottle, stirrup leggings in pink and white, a spare mesh drawstring bag for extra clothes, my toe warmers (another love) and my favourite starlite convertible tights. Convertible tights are a dream to wear and so inexpensive especially with the amount of tights that you go through! The convertible tight has a small elasticated hole at the bottom of your foot which is large enough to take up to ankle. This is extremely handy when you go from flat ballet shoes to pointe during class and have to prepare your toes! 

In the small zip compartment at the front of my bag is where I like to keep my notebook of dance notes - normally it's notes about choreography and my recent grade work. The notebook I got from family in New Zealand and inside it as well as writing my routines and corrections, I also stick on any stickers that little one's have given me during class because I want them to know I cherish every little thing they give me! Yes, I really am that sad! ðŸ™ˆ  Also in here is a hand held fan for when I get too hot - I dont know where I would be without this! It was so inexpensive and has a beautiful pattern on it, my pencil case with my pen drive, a snack, my phone, my keys, a random Move dancewear catalogue that I probably ordered something from at one point, an entry number from a recent exam and an empty wrapper from a pair of my favourite ballet tights are also kept in here!

In the pockets at either side of the bag I hold my gel knee pads (absolute dream!), a pink microfibre towel - incase I get too sweaty - nice thought, eh?, Solana beach Hollister spray (smells lush and the plastic bottle is soo handy because it's not likely to smash) and on the other side a spare pair of earphones and my BeatsPill+ to play the grade music from my phone.

Moving onto my second ballet bag is my shoe bag! This, surprisingly enough is the one which I store.... my costumes in.. I joke. It's shoes. Obv.

It is a patterned Soap and Glory zip bag with an elasticated internal pocket. In here I store my Bloch warm-up booteez (soooo useful when it come's to exam day when you're waiting around and you're feet get cold. And you really don't want that because it either means you're more susceptible to injury or you're going to be stiff and won't dance your best. Warm up booteez are also like little sleeping bags for your feet. So warm and cosy and you can wear them over your flat shoes too!), Capezio dance sneakers - split soled shoes which I used to use for contemporary dance, zumba - etc - Highland pumps - for Highland dancing, I actually love my Highland shoes because they have blue stiching and eyelets and I just love the way these shoes lace up 💙- jazz shoes (another one of my faves because they are so comfy and provide a nice point), tap shoes, Capezio freeforms (genuine love.💗) - if ever I was to promote a pair of flat shoes, it would be these. You don't even feel like you have them on. They have special vents on the top of your feet so you feet can breath and they don't feel restricted. Capezio pirouettes are also useful for, you guessed it, pirouttes and suchlike! My flat ballet pumps (satin, leather, black white, neautral, with and without ribbons) are also kept in here just incase I need a spare pair. I also keep a fragrance packet of 'Beau d j'ardine - jasmine and lavender' in there to keep things smelling nice! I obviously don't take this bag to class with me every time - I use it more for storing them all in one place so I can easily find what I'm looking for.

My Calvin Klein Holdall is my third ballet bag and was actually a freebie after spending a fair amount of money in the perfume shop! 😛 It was the perfect size to store all the larger items that take up so much room in my main bag (and you know I have plenty in there already!) So, this bag is what I use to hold all my strength and physio type equipment. My Pineapple resistance bands are kept in here. They come in three different strengths;- light, medium and heavy. I always use the heavy because I like to make things difficult for myself (story of my life 😉). You can use these in a variety of ways and very useful for stretching or practicing leg extensions. My sports bands by Deuserband are also kept in here. They are very similar to the resistance bands but are a loop of rubber rather than a strip. I use these for practising split stretches as you can get the band from the sole of each foot and round your back. My physio and trigger balls are also a must have after dance. These also come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and can help ease out sore muscles or injuries. My roller stick is an amaaaaazing piece of equipment and definitely one of my favourites! I use it every time I dance and it can be used everywhere to roll out your muscles - and after dance - they can be very achy! My foot roller is just a smaller version but for your feet and helps to ease all the tension in your feet after dance. Deep heat, deep freeze, ankle supports and knee supports are also kept in here. Following my dislocation, I used these the supports the entire time so I still carry them out of habit even though i have no need to now. They are like my little mascots 😛. My balance board, turn board and any costume items which I don't use anymore but might come in useful again are also stored in this bag. I also keep a few soft plush ballerina toys should the little ones need one if we dance The Teddy Bear's Picnic. One of which I used to take to ballet when I was little - awh! I obviously don't carry this bag to class with me either, otherwise I would need to take a trailer with all the things I would be carrying so I would normally transfer any items over if i was going to class such as the stretch bands, rolling stick and turnboard).

Last but not least is my Claireabella bag. This was a gift from my granny and it is a medium jute bag with a cartoon ballerina with brown hair tied up in a bun, blue eyes and features my name down the side. It is very cute and perfect for your little ballerina. 😊 It is the perfect wee size for carrying all your essentials; flat shoes, a water bottle, a purse, wrap cardie and skirt. 


So that is it for this latest blog post! If you have any questions about what I just yapped on about for the last wee while then hit me a comment and I will try and answer you as best as I can. 

Lots of love,


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